
I recently got a very intriguing email from a reader who has old architectural plans and quotes for an Irish cottage that he got on a trip to Northern Ireland about 20-30 years ago. The plans date from about 1842 for a cottage that it appears was to be built for The Lord of Londonderry, the plans and quotes are on tissue paper. The name “Dublin Lodge” appears on one document.

Here is some further information he could provide: “On the drawing of the whole structure, the text on the lower left says, “Approved by Lord Londonderry, Mar 10 1855″ So it may be we have documents for 2 structures — the price list is dated 1842, but the drawings are about 10 years later — unless it took that long to get from concept to construction which is of course possible.”

He would love to find out if the structure was actually built and if it is still standing today. Who doesn’t love a treasure hunt of any sort so I figured I’d throw it out there to see if anyone recognises either the plans or the building or even knows who I could speak with in Northern Ireland/Derry to help track down the building!

Attached are some scans of the plans and quotations:

Dublin Lodge 01

Dublin Lodge 02

Dublin Lodge 03

Dublin Lodge 04

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